Detailed information about eduroam
Eduroam is a TERENA registered trademark.
The project Eduroam unites universities all over Europe. In the Czech Republic the project is supported by CESNET Corporation. The national information portal is available at the address and the pan-European portal is at The logo and the name eduroam are registered trademarks of the TERENA association.
The connection to the Eduroam network at MENDELU is made possible through the wireless network by the implementation of standards IEEE 802.11a (54 Mb/s), 802.11b (11 Mb/s) and 802.11g (54 Mb/s). Client authentication is performed by the radius server in compliance with the standard IEEE 802.1x, and the communication between the radius server, access points and clients is based on the EAP protocol.
The security of data transfer after user authentication is ensured by the WPA protocol. When connecting, the user will be assigned a private address from the address range MENDELU logs information about authentication requests (especially the result of authentication, the identity of the user that initiated the request, an identifier assigned by an identity provider, the accurate time of access, etc.) and DHCP transactions (predominantly assignment of IP address to MAC address, the accurate time of access, etc.). This data is kept for a minimum of 6 months.
The connection from outside MENDELU is ensured by authentication and authorization infrastructure, which is used to transfer access information (certificate) from users to their home organization where they possess their own account. Here, on the basis of the information about the user a decision whether the user will be granted access to the network is taken. The relationships between organizations participating in the Eduroam project, user's rights and responsibilities and network managers of particular organizations are defined.
On the University campus in Brno-Černá Pole SSID eduroam is announced in all access points. On the University campus in Lednice the eduroam network is accessible but for technical reasons it is not announced in all access points.
Support is provided by the Institute of Service of Information Technology. For further information see the section Support.